Legal online poker FaceUp Gaming

The world of online casino gaming has long been fraught with a relative lack of legitimate playing opportunities for avid gamers restricted to certain countries; particularly, the United States, where arbitrary local laws prohibit it in some places, while it is free in others. That is starting to change with the welcome rise of sites like FaceUp Gaming, which is a legal online poker venture that has all the positives of some of the other long-standing, well-known sites (think Drake Casino or Bovada, for example). By all accounts, the payouts are excellent, and the Customer Service set-up appears painless.

FaceUp Gaming doesn’t skimp on the tangible benefits of signing up for a spin, or a round at their poker tables. There are tournaments with generous jackpots of $5000 and $10000 every single month for you avid competitors, as well as lower-paying nightly and daily tournaments. On top of these attractive, exciting money winning possibilities, FaceUp offers gaming codes that garner you free trials.

Aspects of FaceUp Gaming Software

Although FaceUp Gaming is new and available for free sign-ups and paid sign-ups, there are aspects of it that are still developing, to better serve what they expect to be a large migration of US-base players to their reputable platform. Their no-download Flash-based casino software has the poker all worked out, with the Chess and Backgammon steadily in the works. Given that not a day goes by when they don’t update and tweak these aspects, FaceUp Gaming will be up-and-running to total capacity in no time at all.

An equal opportunity gaming software provider, FaceUp doesn’t exclude Mac users the way so many other casino gaming software providers do. Add to that the option of audio/no audio, and you have one of the first customizable Flash casino software around. As for play and pay options; as mentioned, you can sign up for free and just have fun; or, you can consider a Gold membership to have even more fun and access the tournaments and bonus promotions. It’s an excellent way to try out FaceUp Gaming and decide if you like the prospect of legal online poker, or would just rather go back to physical play offline. Of course, if you don’t reside in one of the 35 out of 50 existing US States, then you are not eligible to buy a Gold membership or engage in any paid tournaments at FaceUp Gaming; but you are allowed to play poker and the other free games.

More Information on Legality of FaceUp Gaming

If you reside in South Caroline, Missouri, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Maryland, Montana, Minnesota, Washington, Indiana, Michigan, Idaho, Alabama, South Dakota, Arkansas or Georgia, then you are only allowed to play for free, barring those States coming to their sensibilities about Americans playing online poker. Other than these; the usual rules regarding age – you must be over 18 – have a legal residence and of course proper identification apply; or else, how would you collect your winnings!?

FaceUp Gaming has many events and poker leagues and welcomes US players; come join in on the fun today, and finally start winning online.